Pea Soup Smoke machines
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Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question to read the answer:

What's the difference between a smoke machine and a fog machine?
What is a smoke machine?
How does a smoke machine work?
What makes the smoke?
How much do smoke machines cost?
Where can I buy a smoke machine?
Do you accept credit cards?
Do you deliver worldwide?

What's the difference between a smoke machine and a fog machine?

The terms 'smoke machine' and 'fog machine' both refer to the same type of unit.
'Fog machine' is the term used more in the United States, and 'smoke machine' is the term mainly used in the United Kingdom and Europe. Technically, the correct terminology is 'fog machine', as the dictionary definition of fog is 'liquid particles suspended in the air' (smoke/fog machines always vapourise liquid), whereas smoke is 'solid particles suspended in the air'. The effect generated appears to be that of smoke. Tradition along with product descriptions over the decades has created this moniker foible.

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What is a smoke machine?

A smoke machine is an eletro-mechanical unit which produces clouds of smoke on demand. Smoke machines are used in theatres, night clubs, film and television studios, theme parks and other entertainment applications to produce a smoke or fog effect which creates the illusion of fog, steam, smoke from a fire, and many other effects or atmospheres. They are also used to create 'safe smoke' in fire training scenarios, for leak testing of buildings and containers, and air flow in wind tunnels (to visualise the air flow). Their size can range from that of a chocolate bar to a small car.

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How does a smoke machine work?

A smoke machine, in its simplest terms, is a heating element which gets very hot, through which special fluid is pumped and is vapourised, thereby creating smoke vapour which exits the machine through the nozzle. Electronic circuitry ensures that the heating block in the smoke machine is kept between certain temperatures - too hot and the machine could produce a toxic fog - too cold and the resulting fog will be wet and leave residue.

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What makes the smoke?

The most common type of smoke machine are those which use a water-based fluid, which is made up mainly of pharmaceutical grade glycol and water. There are also other harmless chemicals in the fluid. Other types of smoke machine include dry ice machines (which create a low lying heavy fog that uses solid carbon dioxide AKA dry ice), liquid nitrogen (which also creates a low lying fog), oil based smoke machines (similar in principle to water based machines, but uses an oil rather than a water based fluid - the smoke can withstand much higher temperatures) and hazers (both water and oil based haze generators, mainly used to accentuate lighting than for conventional 'smoke' effects).

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How much do smoke machines cost?

Smoke machines range in price, but "Talia expensa sic empta" - you get what you pay for. We sell machines by the most reputable and consistent companies. Our entry level unit is ideal for small applications and home use, but has been used to great effect in visitor attractions and museums too. Smoke machines that are capable of operating continuously at high output will cost more but always have the power available for larger and more varied applications and will never require a re-heat 'dead band'.

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Where can I buy a smoke machine?

Pea Soup Ltd supply smoke machines in the UK at low prices - click here to see product list.

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Do you accept credit cards?

Yes. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, JCB and Eurocard.

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Do you deliver worldwide?

Yes we can. Please contact us if you're outside the UK and would like to order from us.

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Do you have a recipe for pea soup?

Yes! It's here - Pea Soup recipe


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Pea Soup smoke / fog machines
Your warranty will be void if you use smoke fluid other than that recommended by the manufacturer of your smoke machine.